TO THE NEWBRIDGE COLLEGE UNION ALUMNI WEBSITE - open to all past pupils of Newbridge College.
Join the Newbridge College PPU today to find and network with friends and former classmates and receive the latest news and updates It's never too late to re-establish contact.

President Welcome
Dear Alumni,
I am honoured to be elected as Newbridge College Past Pupil Union President for the academic year 2024/2025 and to be part of the continuing commitment of the past pupil body to the school.
I would like to thank previous Presidents, Mark Prendergast (2023/2024 President) & Rossa O’Donnell (2022/2023 President) for their hard work steering the union since we relaunched in recent years.As we look to the year ahead our focus is to emphasise the importance of staying connected with Alumni, and the importance of reconnecting with classmates. Our focus will be ensuring past pupils of Newbridge College can easily maintain a connection to the school and each other at our many reunions and events planned throughout the year and we continue to contribute towards the school's activities including the careers expo, past pupil visits, and prize-giving day.
Finally, I am very pleased that Stephen Clayton (Class of 1988) has agreed to accept the position of Vice President of the Union, and I very much look forward to working with Stephen and with the whole Committee and the wider Past Pupil community in the year ahead.
I would encourage you to get involved in the Past Pupil Union by attending reunions and future events.
Best wishes,
Morgan O'Callaghan (Class 1993)
Alumni & Friends Lunch 2025
The Newbridge College Union Alumni & Friends Lunch took place recently at the Keadeen Hotel where MC Jon Slattery and President Morgan O’Callaghan welcomed the attendees and Guests. Newbridge College past pupil guest speakers were Jamie Heaslip (Former Irish Rugby Player), Lea Heart( Irish Singer/Songwriter ), and Helen Kearney (Paralympic Equestrian) who discussed their remarkable careers, and life journeys, and talked about their time attending Newbridge College. poster poster Past pupil Raphael Ryan of Newbridge Local History Group was presented with a gift from Newbridge Silverware in recognition of his two books On the Banks of the Liffey – A history of Dominican College, Newbridge.

Newbridge College Union - Committee Members 2024/2025
Our Newbridge College Union committee consists of a strong, passionate group of people and past pupils who dedicate their time and energy to the union.RECENT EVENT- NOVEMBER 2024

Alumni Photo Gallery
The Union organizes a number of events every year .
Any photos taken at these events will be posted to this page.

My name is Courtney Hyland and I am from Cashel, Co. Tipperary. I am a past pupil of Newbridge College. I was a day border starting at 8.40am and finishing at 8.40pm. Going to school in Newbridge College were the best days of my life. Now at 38, I am Director of Sales & Marketing.

Pediatric Neurosurgeon - based in in Detroit, USA
I’m fortunate enough to serve a large inner city population and helping those kids and their families through very difficult times in their lives is extremely rewarding.
Global Community
Be are part of our unique global community who live and work around the world
Alumni , If you are new to a region overseas, or would like to start an overseas regional Group, you can create one within the Newbridge College Union Networking APP or alternatively please reach out to unionoffice@newbridge-college.ie and assistance will be provided to alumni who wish to establish an alumni group in their region.
Support your Union -
With your ongoing support, we continue to provide the best possible services to our members. Membership of the union is free of charge to all past pupil members.
email : unionoffice@newbridge-college.ie /tel : 087 4296889